Children's Day

Daily Routines and Activities
At Westernport Child Care Centre and Kindergarten we offer a variety of activities designed to meet the
individual developmental needs and interests of the children. Activity plans are drawn up each week by qualified educators and are displayed in each room. Activities are broken up into learning areas relevant to the ages of the children, including a specific preschool program. All the major areas of development are
planned for including gross motor, fine motor, language, cognitive social/emotional and self help/independence.
All the plans have a parent evaluation section with them for comment. Experiences are planned in
which each child learns about the world around them through structured and incidental happenings.
A bound attendance record listing the name, time of arrival and departure of each child is kept to adhere
to regulations 2009. An accident, injury and illness record is kept for each child listing any injuries or accidents involving the child which is to be signed by the person collecting the child on that particular day. Routines at the centre are designed to be flexible and meet children's individual needs, especially infants.
Rest Time
Often children find a day very hectic and exhaustive. It is therefore a policy that children are encouraged to rest after lunch.
E.g. quiet time activities such as books and puzzles. Even though some children have outgrown a sleep, a rest rejuvenates them for the afternoon activities.
Each child has their own individual sheet and blanket that is provided by the centre. We encourage equal opportunity amongst the children and assist them to become involved in activities regardless of their gender or cultural backgrounds.
All meals are prepared at the centre. A weekly menu is displayed at the entrance/hall, along with our food and nutrition policy for you to see what your child has eaten for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Breakfast will be served to early starters until 8.00am. Our menu works on a four week rotation and changes according to the child’s like and dislikes. During the week we provide the children with a variety of meals.
Please let us know if your child has any special dietary requirements due to allergies, religion, culture etc. Parent’s suggestions for our menu are most welcome.
Arrival & Collection
All children must be signed into the ATTENDANCE BOOK UPON ARRIVAL at the centre and also SIGNED OUT WHEN DEPARTING.
For safety of your children, no child will be released from the centre EXCEPT TO THE PARENT OR THE NOMINEE AUTHORISED by the parent on the Enrolment Form.
Try to allow yourself five minutes at the beginning and the end of the day. Five minutes at the beginning of each day to settle your child into an activity, or amongst a group of friends. Always remember to say good-bye to your child before you go, re-appearing or lingering after good-byes will only confuse the child. Five minutes at the end of the day will allow staff to discuss your child's day.
Late Pick-ups
Parents are requested to pick their child up by the time specified on the attendance record.
If you are unable to pick your child up please phone us to let us know.
This should not be a problem as long as it is before 6:00pm.
Children who are collected alter closing time will be charged $5.00per 5 minutes.
Please be aware that two staff must remain behind until your child is
collected. Please note: Time will be rounded up ie; 3min = 5min. After 6:00 pm we will attempt to contact a
family member to arrange collection of the child.
If this fails we will attempt to contact an authorised person from the child's enrolment form.
If this is not successful we will have no option but to contact the local Police Station and arrange for the
child to be transported to the station.
A note will be left on the front door explaining where the child is and the time the child left the service.