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Frequently Asked

  • What to Bring?
    0-2 year olds The children should bring a bag containing 2 full changes of clothing. Your child will require 6 disposable nappies per day. You also need to send any security toys and dummies that your child may need for comfort. If your baby is formula fed we request that you bring clearly labelled bottles with the formula made up for the day or formula powder in either tin or dispenser clearly labelled with correct ratio. Made up bottles are kept in the refrigerator until required. For babies who are on cows milk you need to bring in a clearly labelled bottle and we will provide the milk. Babies are fed fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the day. Drinks of water are provided throughout the day. There are lockers or on bag hooks located in the change room for children's bag. 2-3 year olds The children should bring a bag containing 2 full changes of clothing. It isimportant when the children are toilet training that they bring several changes of pants and underwear. Your child will require 6-8 disposable nappies each day. You also need to send any security toys, dummies and bottles, (we supply cows milk). Hooks for the children's bag are available. 3-5 year olds It is a good idea for all children to bring a bag. This should contain a complete change of clothing. This also gives the children a place to keep their work and other belongings. It is also a good idea to send any security item that your child may need for comfort. Lockers/ hooks are located in the room. Please note: During summer, hats need to be provided and in winter a coat and warm hat. Please label all belongings. Sunscreen is provided at a levy each year, please see suncare policy in foyer for full details. Children should wear covered shoulders and wide brim/legionaire hat. Also enclosed toe shoes are recommended to make it safer and easier for you child to enjoy gross motor experience.
  • What if my Child is sick?
    We please ask that you do not bring your child into the centre if they are unwell or contagious. Any illness that the children may possibly be exposed to (from previous reports of illness to the Director), will be displayed on the notice board at the front entrance hall or on the front door. If a more serious illness becomes apparent in the centre a parent meeting will be called. A fever: A child with a fever must be kept at home (or will be sent home). It is advised that the child stay home, fever free for at least 24 hours. Their appetite and level of activity should be back to normal as well. Parents should watch for secondary problems such as tonsillitis or an ear infection. Child with prescribed antibiotics for illness: The child should be kept at home for at least 24 hours. Diarrhoea: A child suffering from diarrhoea should not return to the centre until they have been diarrhoea free for 24 hours. If your child develops diarrhoea whilst at the centre you will be called to pick them up immediately, thus preventing the spread of infection.
  • Medication and Illness
    The well being of the children is our highest priority in the centre. Health regulations do not allow sick children to attend child care due to the high risk of cross infection, so please keep sick children at home. If any medication is required when your child is at the centre, staff should be notified, handed the medication, the parents need to complete and sign the authorisation in the medication book in your child's room. Medication must be clearly labelled with the details including the child's name. Prescription medications prescribed to another person other than the child will not be administered. Please do not leave medication in your child's bag for safety of all the other children in our care. Each room will have a place for your child's medication to be stored. Please make sure you remember to collect your child's medication when leaving as it can't be packed into the children's bag as it needs to be stored out of reach to the children.
  • Our Educators and Team
    All our Centre's comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 in relation to the employment of Qualified staff. Our centre's will endeavour to retain it's qualified staff at all times, but when employing new qualified staff our procedure is as follows: Place an ad in seek or similar as soon as possible. We will screen the applicants, interview and decision will be made in due course. Please note: When possible we prefer to train & retain internally so the children are familiar with our qualified staff ​ Staff at our centre's are carefully selected & are interested in giving your child the best possible care, this includes working to stimulate them so they develop into well balanced children in the future.
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